Fishing Report 3-10-2014
For the past week we have been fishing a lot in town on the San Juan River here in Pagosa. The ice on the river recently melted due to the warmer temperatures during the day. With local flows averaging around 100 CFS, things are starting to melt in the low country. With most of the snow gone in the lower elevations, expect mid elevations to go next, providing another shoulder stretch of fishing with higher flows and good fishing in the mornings.
Ideal times to hit the river are anywhere from 8:30 AM to 2 PM. Things start to get muddier around 2:30 and finding fish after that gets tough. We have been seeing lots of bugs out there. Lots of caddis and midge’s all up and down the upper section of the San Juan through town and up river. We have been fishing with large, heavy being the key word here, stone fly nymphs trailed by brighter egg patterns. Wired stones in size 14-16 are working good also. Prince nymphs, copper johns and hares ears are pretty productive also in the mornings. Make sure to weigh it all down and get in the deep parts of the river.
The banks get more productive in the afternoons with browns hanging tight in the shallower riffles waiting to ambush as usual. Some are striking as soon as the fly hits the water. The water temp swings have been around 10 degrees, starting in the low 30’s and getting up to the low 40’s by afternoon.
Here are some photos from this weekend.
- Alex Hall with a sweet brown.
- Daniel with a pretty Juan bow.
- Andy Warden with a nice colored up brown.
- Nice stout bow
- Daniel and his 2nd Brown.
- Surprise brown from the Brazos.
- Dave with a jumpy bow
- Alex showing off his Juan bow.
- Daniel with a gorgeous wild rainbow.
Remember, High Country Fishing Charters is always booking trips on the lower San Juan below Navajo Damn and the upper San Juan here in Pagosa, so if you want to experience some spring fishing, give Dave a call at 970-946-3584. Rates can be found here.